Your donation will help us support with our Advocacy work
Over 20 years of occupation and more than 4 decades of instability have left many Afghans homeless.
Afghanistan Food Packs
Your donation will provide vital food packs and help combat hunger across Afghanistan
Afghanistan Homes
Help alleviate the hardships of needy orphan and widow families through the building of a 3 bedroom home.
Afghanistan Hospital
Your donation will go towards expanding the premises and medical departments; setting up the hospital to ensure it is fit for purpose.
Afghanistan Mosque
Your donation will support the reconstruction of these salient hubs of the Islamic community.
Afghanistan Sustainability Projects
Cows enable our survivors to produce milk and sell it to become a means of income and sustainability.
Afghanistan Vocational Skills Centre
The Vocational Institute in Kabul, provides theoretical and practical learning courses to orphans and widows.
Afghanistan Water Well
We have constructed hand pump water wells, providing clean and safe drinking water for families.
Aida Youth Centre
Support Palestinian children’s access to education.
3 Coke Street, London, E1 1ER
+44 (0)20 3875 0563
22a Clegg Street, Oldham, OL1 1PL
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